Modern Slavery Statement
For the year ending 2025
Chaps IT Recycling Limited is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains. We take our responsibility seriously and are dedicated to implementing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery does not take place within our business or our supply chain.
This statement outlines the steps we have taken to understand and address the risks of modern slavery in our operations, in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our Business
Chaps IT Recycling Limited is an IT Asset Remarketing, disposal & Secure data destruction provider based in the UK, with operations in the UK Only. We employ approximately 7 people and work with suppliers and contractors in various sectors, including but not limited to public sector, finance, health care services, Charities, Education
Our Policy on Modern Slavery
Chaps IT Recycling Limited has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur in any part of our business or supply chains. To demonstrate our commitment, we have implemented the following policies:
•Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy: This policy outlines our commitment to tackling modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour in our operations.
•Code of Conduct for Suppliers: We require our suppliers to adhere to ethical labour practices and to comply with all applicable laws regarding human trafficking and forced labour.
•Whistleblowing Policy: We have put in place an internal whistleblowing mechanism that allows employees and external stakeholders to report concerns regarding modern slavery in our operations or supply chains.
•Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
We recognise that modern slavery can occur in various industries and sectors. We conduct due diligence on our suppliers and business partners to understand and mitigate the risks of modern slavery. Our approach includes:
•Supplier Risk Assessment: We carry out risk assessments of new suppliers based on their industry, geographical location, and other factors that may influence their risk of involvement in modern slavery. This assessment is updated regularly.
•Supplier Audits: We monitor and audit our suppliers’ compliance with our ethical standards, including anti-slavery measures. We take appropriate actions if we identify any non-compliance.
•Ongoing Training: We provide ongoing training to staff and key personnel, particularly those involved in procurement and supply chain management, to ensure they understand the risks of modern slavery and know how to address potential issues.
Our Supply Chain
We recognise that modern slavery can occur in supply chains, especially in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and construction. As such, we take the following actions to ensure our supply chain is free from modern slavery:
•We only work with suppliers who meet our ethical standards and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
•We actively engage with suppliers to ensure they have implemented effective measures to identify and address modern slavery risks within their own supply chains.
•We do not tolerate the use of forced labour, child labour, or human trafficking in any part of our supply chain.
•We require suppliers to sign agreements that commit them to ethical labour practices and to provide transparent, accurate records of their labour practices.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
We measure the effectiveness of our actions to combat modern slavery using the following key performance indicators:
•Number of supplier audits and assessments completed.
•Number of instances of non-compliance with ethical standards identified and resolved.
•Percentage of suppliers who have signed our Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery Policy.
•Employee training participation rate on modern slavery and ethical supply chain management.
Looking Forward
Chaps IT Recycling Limited will continue to improve our efforts to identify, prevent, and address modern slavery within our business and supply chains. In the coming year, we plan to:
•Further enhance our supplier onboarding process, with a focus on high-risk suppliers and regions.
•Continue to provide training to employees and suppliers on identifying and reporting modern slavery.
•Expand our audits to ensure more thorough monitoring and compliance in high-risk areas.
We are committed to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains. Chaps IT Recycling Limited is dedicated to ensuring that we conduct our business ethically, with respect for the rights and dignity of all people. We will continue to work with our suppliers and partners to drive improvements and ensure that our operations are free from exploitation and forced labour.
This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the Director and will be reviewed annually.
Dominic Chappell
Chaps IT Recycling Limited